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Are You Hiring the Right People?

Discover what you're doing right and identify gaps in your sales hiring process.
This quick assessment will also give you best practice tips to supplement your current hiring process, from writing the job description to implementing a robust screening process and successful onboarding.
Also, as a bonus for completing the assessment, you will receive an email with your answers and a link to download the PDF Elevating Your Sales Hiring Strategy—12 Proven Steps for Success.
This assessment has 14 questions with corresponding best practice tips and should take less than 5 minutes. Have Fun!
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I pick top performers
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I get it right 50-70% of the time
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I'm not very successful
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Do you currently have a written sales hiring process you follow?

A salesperson who is not motivated or incentivized to change has no desire for improvement through training.

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Do you have written goals and expectations for new sales hires?

A salesperson who is not open to change or believes in the status quo will not respond to coaching.

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Not sure
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Do your job postings set your company apart from the competition?

Choose all that apply.

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Do you incorporate your company's core values in your job postings?

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In your opinion, what is the single most important attribute a candidate needs to be successful in sales?

Select the one answer that doesn't belong

Desire to successful
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Sales skills
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Large network
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Industry experience
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Unconditional Commitment
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Do you use a scoring system to consistently rate candidates throughout the hiring process?

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How many interviews do you typically need to choose a candidate you’d like to hire?

Choose all that apply.

1 or 2
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3 to 5
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6 or more
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Do you believe there is value in determining how a candidate sells before you hire them?

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In your opinion, how would your sales candidates describe your hiring process?

HINT: There is only one right answer

Good & Challenging
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Just okay
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Waste of my time
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Quickly onboarding your new sales hire will help them sell more effectively.

Choose all that apply.

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When considering the cost of bad sales hire, do you include all of these in your calculation?

Salary, Commissions, Benefits, Training, Cost of Leads, Technology/Equipment, Office Space, Lost Sales

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One last question!

Now that you've answered questions and compared your current sales hiring process, are you confident your next sales hire will succeed using your existing hiring process?

I'm highly confident
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I see room for improvement
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I'm going to fail
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Sales Hiring Assessment!
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Sales Hiring Assessment!
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