Getting Naked

Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni book cover

This book aligns with the Topaz philosophy and approach to successful selling. Though we have expertise in our field, we acknowledge the client is an expert in their needs, challenges, history, pain, budgets. So, we recognize they’re experts about themselves in their challenges and seek to learn from them instead of telling and educating about ourselves. Changing your sales paradigm takes time, and this book provides an additional perspective and insight on making that shift to start selling more relationally.

Publisher summary: Two firms with different approaches to serving clients are merging. While managing the merger, a management consultant is forced to learn life-changing lessons that prove to be as relevant as they are life-changing.

Key Takeaways from Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni

  • Getting Naked means being vulnerable
  • There are three main fears in business with being vulnerable.
  • Fear of Losing the Business – this hurts the ability to keep and increase business.
  • Fear of Being Embarrassed – this fear is rooted in pride.
  • Fear of Feeling Inferior – trying to preserve the sense of importance and social standing relative to a client.

About the Author

Patrick Lencioni is the founder and president of The Table Group, a management consulting firm specializing in executive team development and organizational health.  As a consultant and keynote speaker, he has worked with thousands of senior executives in organizations ranging from Fortune 500s and high-tech start-ups to universities and nonprofits.

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